This day still doesn’t make sense, but God works in mysterious ways so let’s leave it at that.
Since I started the brand people have always told me how they’ve just seen someone wearing one of my pieces but I never did. I dunno if it’s because I don’t go out like that or what the case is, but I was just waiting on that day.
So picture this, it’s November 2021, everyone's outside, restrictions are out of the window, it’s pure vibes and my brother has a spare ticket to Wizkid at the O2. When he asked if I wanted to go I said I’M DOWN! Soon after I was a bit wishy-washy, saying I don’t wanna go and what not and my bro said cool and told his friend to roll.
A couple days before, the FOMO kicks in loooool I’m scrambling for a ticket, I’m on the verge of buying one but I’m hesitant. If my memory serves me well, I told my brother and he said his friend doesn’t wanna come anymore so I can come thru.
November 28th is my birthday so there’s a vibe in the air, plus Wizzy Baba has just shelled down Day 1, so I can’t speak for anyone but I was ready for Day 2. Especially since I was seeing pics and vids of people wearing their JCSL tees to Day 1.
Come the 29th, it was just a normal day, I was at work and I thank God I brought my concert fit with me otherwise it would’ve been a long day. So now we get to the O2 and we’re in the queue and a friend from school comes to say hi and that if I wanna come to a box I should let him know 👀.
Anyways we’re enjoying, vibing, you name it. And my brother says I should shout my friend to take us to a box. So I do, he comes to grab us from Level 1 and take us there. My brother goes to the balcony, looks down and tells me to come and look at something. And I look down and to my surprise I see someone wearing the brown JCSL tee literally right below us and omo that made me sing even louder looool. What a time to be alive.